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Since 2019, Man Maker Academy has

transitioned 51 young men through our 8-

week mentoring program. At least 7 of

those young men were referred by a

probation officer, attorney, or the

Rutherford County Courts. Out of the 7

young men that completed the program, 5

of them are either in college, working a

steady job, or functioning as a decent

citizen. Neither of the young men

mentioned returned to or re-entered the

Juvenile Detention Center. The success of

these young men was no accident. We

vehemently believe that Man Maker

Academy impacted their lives in such a way

that it provided for them another option or

pathway to live out the rest of their lives.

The purpose of this program proposal to

the Rutherford County Juvenile

Court/Detention Center is to show how we

believe this program could effectively

empower young men who are nearing

release and will transition back into our


Most of the young men we work with have

no idea who they are and what kind of a

man they want to be and in most cases it

is their curiosity that leads to their

detainment. While we understand that not

all young men that are detained will

respond to Man Maker Academy

successfully, I fully believe that a great

number of the young men who are

searching for positive male influencers and

identity will certainly benefit from the

content presented and provided by Man

Maker Academy.



To ensure the success of the program and

resources, certain young men should be

considered for Man Maker

Academy. Because participation is

required in the coaching sessions, young

men who will not be engaged or

participate will not benefit from the 8-

week mentoring. However, many young

men are late bloomers and slow starters so

it may take a couple of weeks. I propose

that participants that meet the following

criteria should qualify for Man Maker

Academy; If the candidate is nearing a

court date that could lead to his release

(maybe Crossover Ceremony could be his

release date), If the candidate is on

probation and nearing the end of his

probationary period, is a repeat visitor

but shows signs of behavior change,

and/or comes from a single mother home,

he may qualify to attend Man Maker


The above-mentioned suggestions could

provide an incentive for the young man to

turn his life around and fully engage in the

8-week program as he anticipates an

impending release from juvenile detention or end of probationary his period.



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